
Pharma Ingredients

Lorem ipsum is placeholder text commonly used in the graphic, print, and publishing industries for previewing layouts and visual presentations. It’s a pseudo-Latin text that has no meaning, making it useful for design purposes as it doesn’t distract from the layout or design elements.

Step 1
Discovery Phase

You provide the name, quantity, material grade, specifications, and any other information regarding the ingredients you use

Step 2 Contracting

We want to respect your confidential information and outline deliverables before the project starts to ensure your satisfaction

Step 3

Savendor’s Sourcing Specialists contact all manufacturers of the pharma ingredients you need. We start with the companies in our network but always look for additional suppliers to give you a view of the entire market.

Step 4
Information Delivery

Savendor sends the results in Excel an PowerPoint format for easy analysis and sharing. We meet with you virtually to answer any questions you have.

Additional Services Project Management

Need help managing suppliers once one has been selected? Our supplier management team will help you with all the tasks required to get material into your facility.


Empower your sourcing team to focus on handling critical issues and improving your supply chain by signing up for Ingredient IQ

Price Quotes From All Ingredient Manufacturers For A Flat Fee Of $2000 Per Ingredient
Work Directly With The API Manufacturer – No Permanent Markups On Ingredient Prices


When supply chain disruptions occur, you are choosing a new supplier weeks ahead of your competition


Access to all suppliers, not just the ones your distributors have connections with


Free up your team to focus on the strategic work of creating savings, contracting, and supplier reviews

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